360 Soluciones and the EU Green Claims Directive: A partnership for sustainable transparency with Life Cycle Analysis

A European Commission study carried out in 2020 concluded that 53% of environmental declarations in the EU were misleading or unfounded, and that 40% were directly unfounded. The new European "Green Claims Directive" seeks to protect consumers and promote the transition to more sustainable business models.

Some of the requirements included in the draft "Green Claims Directive" assume that claims ("claims") are based on scientific evidence (including product lifecycle assessments) demonstrate the relevance of the announced impacts and their comparison with sectoral standards and are in line with transparency best practices. In a world where 68% of consumers would be willing to pay more for sustainable products, confidence in environmental claims is crucial.

This is where our Life Cycle Analysis service becomes a key element.

The directive seeks to combat greenwashing and promote real impact, and we are here to help companies meet these standards. Our Life Cycle Analysis service ensures that environmental statements are based on solid evidence, demonstrating the relevance of the announced impacts and comparing them to industry standards, including verifications by an external auditor.

As the "Green Claims Directive" advances in Europe, we cannot ignore initiatives at national and global level. We have seen how leading companies have had to adjust their strategies and contribute to environmental causes due to reputational risks. Being prepared is essential, and our service offers that preparation.

More than a change in the story, what really matters is how we measure and manage sustainability in companies. Just as digitization and innovation were recognized at the time, environmental management is now consolidated as an opportunity to be a benchmark in responsible consumption.

In a world where consumers are increasingly aware and demanding, we offer more than a service: we offer the confidence that companies can excel in authenticity and sustainability. With 360 Soluciones Cambio Climático, sustainable management goes beyond labelling, it is a verifiable and transparent reality.