360 Soluciones develops Bio-EcoMatter's Life Cycle Assessment

"Bio-EcoMatter" our bio-mortar for sustainable construction framed in the Metabuilding project (Horizon 2020) is a lightweight mortar for plaster and plaster without cement and sand, with European patent, manufactured from agro-industrial waste.

Within the project 360 Soluciones has been responsible for the coordination of the consortium, product marketing and Life Cycle Analysis (or "LCA") prepared to be an Environmental Product Statement verified when it passes industrial scale.

The LCA has been developed according to ISO 14040, ISO 14044 and UNE-EN 15804 standards, following the Product Category Rules published by GlobalEPD (AENOR). The results have been compared to other traditional mortars based on cement and lime.

The environmental profile of 1 m2 of facade clad with Bio-EcoMatter is significantly better than conventional mortars:

  • More than 90 per cent reduction in the depletion of abiotic resources (non-renewable elements) and almost 50 per cent reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels;
  • Up to 12% carbon footprint reduction;
  • Between 40% and 50% improvement in terms of ozone depletion potential and 50-70% in terms of photochemical ozone formation;
  • Reduction of approximately 40% of impacts related to soil and water acidification and 30% of those related to eutrophication.

These positive environmental results are due not only to the total replacement of cement and sand by agro-industrial waste, but also to the improvement in product performance: with the same amount of dry product, Bio-EcoMatter can cover 40% more surface in terms of m2.