Advances in the development of Agrisolar in Extremadura

These days we are very satisfied with the trial of agrisolar developed in the photovoltaic plant Hinojosa Solar of Holrabax thanks to the involvement and knowledge of Santiago, farmer and shepherd of the sheep of the plant. A further advance in the project a new productive model: the "agro-photovoltaic" (or "Agrovoltáica") that aims to integrate extensive livestock and agricultural exploitation in photovoltaic spaces, with the sustainable cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants that are innovative in the territory and/or in the market.

One solution that has gained weight in recent years has been "solar grazing", especially the use of sheep to control the growth of vegetation in a more natural and effective way than any human maintenance intervention. Since these systems manage to increase land productivity by 60 to 70 per cent and increase the value of the energy production system by 30 per cent, the demand for land for energy production decreases sharply when used.

Our participation in the Holrabax S.L project, the company that owns and manages the surface and the photovoltaic plant in Hinojosa del Valle (Badajoz), aims to develop a transferable agrisolar methodology suitable for soil regeneration of photovoltaic systems through different pasture improvement strategies. The methodology implemented is being evaluated through a series of economic, social and environmental indicators and will result in the contribution of the professional specialization of solar herders.

The results of this project, in addition to the richness and profitability of the environment in which they are implemented, will mean improving the conditions of the original land once the useful life of the photovoltaic installations has ended.